Coding ‘Provides Major Opportunities For Growth’ — BlueShift Education
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Coding ‘Provides Major Opportunities For Growth’

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Teaching coding for children offers a major opportunity for future economic growth in the countries where this is adopted on a broad basis, a new market research report has concluded.

Market research firm AMA has compiled the Global Online Coding for Kids Market Research Report 2021, which assesses the potential of this form of education to give youngsters the skills they need to thrive and be a major factor in driving economic growth.

Highlighting the huge potential this market has over the next five years, the research has a stated aim to propose a patent-based approach in searching for potential technology partners as a supporting tool for enabling open innovation.

It also advocated a “systematic searching process of technology partners as a preliminary step to select the emerging and key players that are involved in implementing market estimations”.

All this, of course, surrounds the ways in which firms can act swiftly to maximise the potential of these skills, not least if they are in increasingly plentiful supply as more children are taught coding.

This development that would make this form of work a more viable one for companies to make the most of, as they will be able to have confidence in their ability to recruit staff with the necessary skills.

The report notes that it is a widely accepted fact that coding will be a crucial life skill for children, but goes on to advocate that courses are developed to teach youngsters the “foundations of coding”, in addition to the basic skills.

Coding courses in the US, Canada and India were studied for the AMA report, but coding education is taking off in countries all over the world, as it is vital no country misses out.

An example of this is Jamaica, where, the Jamaica Observer reports, a new Coding in Schools programme is being rolled out. It is expected to provide coding skills to around 400,000 students.