
Ofsted: Pandemic Caused Education Setbacks


The closure of schools during the pandemic has led to problems in education, with some challenges continuing more than two years later, according to a recent report.

Earlier this week, Ofsted published its findings on how Covid-19 has affected education providers across the UK. It found that while many schools have made good recovery, there are still gaps of knowledge and skills among children.

Chief inspector of Ofsted Amanda Spielman stated: “It’s clear that the pandemic has created some lingering challenges.”

She went on to say she is especially concerned about younger children, adding: “If left unaddressed, [this] could potentially cause problems for primary schools down the line.”

School children have fallen behind in mathematics, phonics, and writing stamina, while their resilience, confidence and anxiety have also been affected.

Those in further education have lower levels of knowledge and skills; behaviours and attitudes have worsened while social skills have declined; work experience placements are still difficult to attain; and high levels of anxiety have been noted.

The biggest problems lay with early years children, whose communication, social, emotional and language development have been affected. Friendship-building, gross motor and self-care skills are also behind where they would have been, resulting in fewer youngsters being ready for starting school.

Despite this, Ofsted recently revealed there was an increase in the number of schools achieving good or outstanding ratings in the final quarter of 2021, increasing from 77 per cent between September 2019 and March 2020 to 83 per cent by the end of last year.


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