BlueShift blog

EdTech Teacher Feature | Chris Moss | blue{shift} blog
A couple of days ago I got the chance to sit down with one of our awesome teachers, Chris Moss. We discussed why he got into coding, how tech has shaped him as a person, and how he applies his passion for computing and education to his blue{shift} classes.
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What is STEAM?
In recent years STEM has really taken off. It is important because our world depends on it. The economy, the way we communicate, even culture and politics—it’s all backed by science, technology, engineering, and maths. But despite its importance, STEM is difficult to teach to young children. This is where STEAM comes in use - by using art we can empower children to have fun, be creative, and use STEM subjects in engaging, understandable applications.
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5 British scientists to be proud of this British Science Week
British Science Week is in full swing, with people all over the UK celebrating all things… well, scientific! Everyone in the science community is doing their part, but here are some particularly exceptional individuals to pique your interest!
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