
3 Ways To Keep The Kids Occupied During The Holidays


Keeping your children occupied for days at a time during the half term holidays can sometimes prove difficult, but there are many fun and exciting activities you can do both in and out of the house. 

Beach Days

If you live nearby, or even if you don’t, taking a trip to the seaside is always fun. If the sun is out, you can cool down in the sea and enjoy a treat from the ice cream van. Even when it’s a bit colder, you can still enjoy seafront walks and splashing in rockpools! 

Online Courses

If the weather isn’t up to scratch, or if you simply can’t find the time to go outside and adventure, there are loads of online courses, classes and camps that can keep your kids occupied. They can be fun and educational, meaning your children will be learning in a fun way. 

Coding camps for kids are a great way to introduce your child to something new and exciting that could spur an interest in the world of coding. Animation, web design, app creation and gaming are all fun and exciting things to learn about. If you can’t pull them away from the games console and computer screen, help them learn how it works!


A classic family-friendly day out is to go on a picnic. This doesn’t just have to be a trip to the park though… make it a full day out! Get the kids to help pack all their favourite foods, take the car, bus or train to somewhere new and exciting and go on a fun walk.

They will be rewarded for all their hard work with a delicious picnic and will probably sleep like babies afterwards, so it’s a win-win for everyone involved!