
4 Popular Coding Myths Busted


Coding is a must-have skill and is being taught in schools all around the world. Our children must gain the skills necessary to prepare them for the future, and coding is one of the most important skills they can have.

However, there are many myths surrounding coding, so whether you’re wanting to encourage your children to get into coding, or you want to dispel some of the myths about coding, then read on.


Myth 1: Learning coding is synonymous with becoming a coder

By introducing our children to coding, we are not forcing them into a career in IT or coding. Learning to code is an essential skill as it has become the language of creation and progress in a variety of diverse fields, from medicine to engineering, arts to commerce.

Learning to code helps children develop critical cognitive skills and how to understand the world better, not simply a passport to a career in coding.


Myth 2: School going children are too young to learn to code

As with learning any language, the best age to start learning is by the age of 10. Children under ten can absorb new information and excel in a new language far faster than older children and adults.


Myth 3: Coding will take away my child’s actual studies and increase their screen time

When a child learns to code, they are learning to think logically. Coding requires one to break down a complex problem into smaller ones and then find a solution. When a child creates something by coding, they can see the results instantly, which motivates them to learn more. Children who learn to code also tend to do better at language and maths.


Myth 4: Coding is only for students who are good at maths and science

Many think that coding needs excellent maths and science skills, but only basic maths and a problem-solving attitude are needed to become a great coder.


If you’re looking for a coding summer camp in the UK, talk to us today.