
Aussie Girls Set Coding Example For Brits To Follow


The desire to get more British girls into STEM subjects in a big way is well known, with the government, industry and educational establishments alike working hard to encourage more female involvement in these traditionally male-dominated fields.

Britons living in the Metropolitan area could play their part in this by sending their daughters to coding camps in London, where they can learn the skills that could pave the way for a career in tech.

It is not just here in Britain that there is a drive to get girls interested in tech subjects. Extensive efforts are being made in Australia that could offer some inspiration for parents here.

As the Australian Associated Press reports, girls as young as six are learning coding at school holiday camps for mothers and daughters held at the Girl Geek Academy in Brisbane.

However, as the report notes, the creators of the course have been calling for more funding to support and expand the courses. The timing of this is no coincidence, as the Australian government is currently undertaking its Diversity in STEM Review, with findings due by the end of 2023.

University executive Emma Lieschk, who has enrolled in the courses along with her daughters, who are aged six and eight, said: "A lot of holiday programs are based around sports but I was looking for something different and to introduce them to skills they could use later in life."

Chief executive of the academy Sarah Moran said that more funding was needed to increase course accessibility for girls.

Here in the UK, however, the opportunity is there and families who want their daughters to grow up with lots of coding skills on their CVs can make a start during the school holidays.

England and Australia may currently be locked in battle on the cricket field, but when it comes to using coding to get girls into tech, that is something everyone in both countries should be united on.