What Are The Reasons To Consider After School Coding Club? — BlueShift Education

What Are The Reasons To Consider After School Coding Club?


After school clubs have been invaluable to working parents over the years, and the great news is there is a huge number of activities to choose from these days. 

One of the most popular has to be after school coding club, enabling children to develop their technology skills in the familiar surroundings of their classrooms. 

For more reasons, read on.

Develop their IT skills

In this day and age, it is essential for children to have good computer skills, as they will be using tech for every aspect of their lives as they grow up. While they do learn IT at school, there is a limit on how much they can cover during their computer lessons. 

Coding clubs allow kids to develop other IT skills, such as robotics, virtual reality, programming, and gaming. 

Being experienced in these areas will not only make them able to handle technological developments that are occurring all the time, but could also enhance their career opportunities later in life.

Gives parents extra time

All parents will know the stress of trying to make it to school before the gate closes around 3pm. 

By booking them into an after school coding club, they can buy an extra hour or so of time, so they don’t need to rush off from their desk and can finish their work before picking their child up. 

Kids love it!

While there are lots of options when it comes to after school clubs, coding has always been high in demand simply because children love it! 

They are not just sitting down learning, but doing something they enjoy like improving their Minecraft skills, learning how to programme a robot, and creating their own designs. 

With children so excited to stay at school for coding club, it makes it an easy choice for parents to know which one to book.